Monday, March 29, 2010

Member Margaret Billesimo

Pen Women at large:  Yvonne VanDerLinden & Margaret Billesimo

Yvonne VanDerLinden currently serves as Co-president of the St.
Augustine Branch of the National League of American Pen Women.  Yvonne
is one of the six members of the National Music Committee who were
challenged to write something based on Eric Carle's book "I See a Song"
  Without having seen the book, Yvonne penned an original poem and song
titled "Do You See a Song."  The opening lines are:  "Do you see a song
in many colors?  Do you feel the magic in the air?  As they all blend
in together, Music ev'rywhere.  Once the National Chair knew of
Yvonne's compositions, she sent her the book, asked if she had an
artist friend to illustrate this work.  Enter Margaret Billesimo, a
newer member of the St. Augustine Branch.  Margaret is active in the
art word, and passionate about her work.  Both women will be attending
the Pen Women Biennial in Little Rock Arkansas in early April to
present the song, and the painting to the national gathering of NLAPW.
(National League of American Pen Women.)  

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